Here are some ways you can take action for wildlife.


Plant native seeds to support wildlife, and increase habitat

Certifying your yard or garden, big or small, is a great way to help wildlife. We would be happy to talk with you about NCWF's various certifications for public and private lands. NCWF has certified more than 10,000 habitats across the state that provide wildlife with food, shelter, water and places to raise young. Wildlife habitat is being developed at a tremendous rate. This impacts species like monarch butterflies, which declined more than 90 percent in the last 20 years. Planting native seeds helps pollinators like monarchs survive. You can support pollinators and other wildlife by planting the NCWF seed mix or posting NCWF Butterfly Highway signs to promote conservation and conversations about wildlife habitat in your neighborhood.


Join Us

NCWF Wildlife Community Chapters empower members to take action on behalf of wildlife and habitat through educational events, volunteer projects, and advocacy. This ever-growing, statewide chapter network engages more than 2,500 North Carolinians locally for wildlife.

Triad Wild! will offer programming on varied educational topics such as local animals, the unique ecosystems of the Piedmont, the Butterfly Highway program, safe passage corridors for wildlife, natural resource protections, and diversity in the environmental movement. We will schedule volunteer projects that support and enhance our community by restoring and certifying native habitats, and removing litter. We will strive to foster a connection to nature for not only our members, but also young people and anyone in our community. We will create opportunities for individuals to experience wildlife and nature and to sometimes simply meet up at a local brewery or coffee shop to discuss wildlife! Our purpose is not to re-create or duplicate the work of the environmental organizations already in existence locally, but rather to partner with and amplify the message of these organizations.

Become a member


Get emails and take action

Staying informed with timely conservation news and events is an important way to ensure we hold elected officials accountable and the places where we work and live embrace our shared conservation ethic. Sign up for the NCWF Wildlife Wire, a monthly e-newsletter that arrives in your inbox to help you take action on behalf of North Carolina wildlife and habitat through timely alerts so you can stay in touch with your elected officials and learn about NCWF happenings.

Sign up for emails

Donate to support our work

Your donation to Triad Wild! will enable us to provide local programs in support of wildlife and habitat. Donations support the majority of our activities including public education programs, supplies for events, wildlife advocacy, and conservation project materials

“In wildness is the preservation of the world.”

— Henry David Thoreau

How do your donations help?

Protect wildlife by supporting conversation policy that increases funding for state wildlife action plans

Connect wildlife habitat by advocating for increasing wildlife crossings on roads

Restore wildlife habitat throughout North Carolina by planting native trees and pollinator plants


How else can you help?

Ask your members of Congress to support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

Register your yard as a pollinator pitstop along the Butterfly Highway

Sign up to receive email updates on marine fisheries, pollinator conservation and how you can help