Connecting the Triad with nature and each other.
The importance of inclusivity
Triad Wild! membership, events, and programs are open to all ages, races, genders, experiences, and identities.

How you can get involved.
Letter from the Board of Directors
Why Triad Wild?
The idea of forming a local chapter of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation (NCWF) has been under consideration for several years. While our area has many fine environmental groups, the NCWF has not been represented in the Triad. A passionate group of residents felt strongly about the programs and purpose of the NCWF and began collaborations in 2021 to form a chapter. Hence, Triad Wild! has come to life!
Triad Wild! will offer programming on varied educational topics such as local animals, the unique ecosystems of the Piedmont, the Butterfly Highway program, safe passage corridors for wildlife, natural resource protections, and diversity in the environmental movement. We will schedule volunteer projects that support and enhance our community by restoring and certifying native habitats, and removing litter. We will strive to foster a connection to nature for not only our members, but also young people and anyone in our community. We will create opportunities for individuals to experience wildlife and nature and to sometimes simply meet up at a local brewery or coffee shop to discuss wildlife! Our purpose is not to re-create or duplicate the work of the environmental organizations already in existence locally, but rather to partner with and amplify the message of these organizations.
We hope you will join us on this adventure to advocate for and conserve native wildlife in the Piedmont Triad and throughout North Carolina through education, habitat restoration and unique opportunities to simply appreciate and enjoy the outdoors!
For the wild~
Stanley Faeth
Robin Davis
Meg Horton
Heather Russell
Jon Skinner
Jon Wall
Ann Berry Somers