What’s Coming Up:


Science Everywhere

On Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 12:00 pm to 4:00pm, UNCG will host the Science Everywhere festival. This event aims to inspire future scientists and excite learners of all ages about the sciences. Interactive activities will be available across campus, showcasing how science is applied every day in fields such as science, arts, esports, healthcare, nursing, education, and technology.

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Ocean Advocacy Workshop
to Mar 29

Ocean Advocacy Workshop

Registration for the 2025 Ocean Advocacy Workshop (OAW) is now open! On March 28-29, 2025, students, community members, and NCWF chapters are invited to join environmental professionals and experienced advocates for a weekend building confidence and connections to create waves of change.

This year's agenda includes skills building for new and returning participants. Attendees will leave with a certificate of completion along with highly marketable skills to further or launch your conservation career. Whether you are brand new to environmental advocacy, or are a seasoned volunteer and community organizer, all experience levels are welcome (ages 18+).

Scholarships are available! Scholarship applicants should write an email addressed to: oceanadvocacyworkshop@gmail.com with the subject line: Request scholarship information

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Urban Ecology:   Nature is in our own back yards, and it needs all of us

Urban Ecology: Nature is in our own back yards, and it needs all of us

Join us for a walking tour and conversation about the ecology of an urban neighborhood and how our decisions regarding landscaping, turf, mosquito control, leaf and debris removal (or not!) affect everything from water, soil, and air quality to the food web of our entire local ecology.

The event is free and open to everyone but is limited to 25. Please register here to let us know you are coming.

In case of rain, we will have an indoor program, My Discovery of Native Plants, with Robin Davis at Get Outdoors Pedal and Paddle located at 1515 W Gate City Blvd., Greensboro, NC 27403 at 7PM

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Timber Rattlesnakes in North Carolina

Timber Rattlesnakes in North Carolina

John Sealy’s presentation will cover the life history, distribution, and conservation status of the Timber Rattlesnake in North Carolina. There will be discussion of conservation projects underway in North Carolina as well as information regarding what to expect and how hikers should respond when they encounter rattlesnakes in the wild. The event is in-person, free, and open to the public, but please register here to let us know you are coming.

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Connected by Water with Will Freund

Connected by Water with Will Freund

Join us in watching Will Freund’s film, Connected by Water, and meet the filmmaker himself.

About the film: Join Will Freund on a journey to hear perspectives from 9 people living along the southeastern coast of the United States about what they think of climate change.

Register here for this free program.

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Woven Works Park Native Pollinator Garden Planting

Woven Works Park Native Pollinator Garden Planting

We'd like to invite you to join us for a Native Pollinator Garden Planting Opportunity on Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.

This planting is a partnership between Triad Wild!, the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, the Rotary Club of Greensboro, the City of Greensboro, and the Downtown Greenway.

Registration is not required, but we would love to know that you are coming! Please email TriadWild@ncwf.org to confirm your attendance.

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Native Plant Fest

Native Plant Fest

We invite you to join us for this floating event on the patio at Maxie B’s as we partner with gardening experts from the Triad Chapter of the North Carolina Native Plant Society to explore and celebrate the magic of native plants! Every plant matters…come find out why!

We will share gift bags filled with native plant seedlings, a newly updated guide to native plant nurseries in our area, more information on the best native plants for our Ecoregion 8 according to Doug Tallamy, as well as other helpful and inspiring resources.

There will also be Maxie B’s desserts to nibble while you linger!

We also have several wonderful door prizes to help get your fall gardening off to a glorious start!

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Nature's Best Hope: A Conversation with Doug Tallamy

Nature's Best Hope: A Conversation with Doug Tallamy

We hope you will join us Thursday, Sept 29, 2022 at 7 PM as we attend Nature's Best Hope: A Conversation with Douglas W. Tallamy presented by The Alamance County Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers (EMGVs) at the Paramount Theater in Burlington, NC. Author and renowned naturalist Douglas W. Tallamy will explain how, by simply adding native plants to our own backyards, we ourselves can become nature’s best hope. Recent headlines about declines in insect and bird populations in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our current landscape designs have been at sustaining the plants and animals that sustain us. The good news is there’s still time! Tallamy will discuss simple steps each of us can take by adding native plants to our home landscape to increase biodiversity.

Tickets are just $5.00 for this community event sponsored by Alamance County Extension Master Gardeners and are available now at the Paramount Theater Box Office (Monday - Saturday from 12noon - 3pm), or by calling (800) 514-3849. Proceeds to benefit Alamance County native plant projects. For more information, please contact the Alamance County Cooperative Extension Office at (336) 570-6740. Tickets may be purchased online here

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"A Conversation with Heather Russell"

"A Conversation with Heather Russell"

  • Kathleen Clay Edwards Branch of the Greensboro Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A day in the life of a wildlife conservation photographer...from red wolves to bears and everything in between, she will tell about her travels photographing nature and advocating for the animals who can’t speak for themselves.

Register here for this free event

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Full Moon Paddle

Full Moon Paddle

Join GetOutdoors and Triad Wild for our Full Moon Paddle! This is a unique experience allowing you to experience a beautiful sunset, followed by the thrills of paddling under a full moon. We will meet at a local lake and paddle for approx two hours. GetOutdoors provides lights/ glow sticks helping to illuminate your kayak and guide the way.

$40/ $20 of each registration will be donated to Triad Wild, a local chapter of the NC Wildlife Federation.

Register here

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Hurley Park Tour

Hurley Park Tour

Join Sarina Dellinger, Public Garden Manager at the City of Salisbury, for a tour of Hurley Park! Sarina works full time at this park and cares for the 40+ garden beds across 18 acres. This tour will highlight some of the late summer beauty at Hurley Park, on a large and small scale. The paths we will traverse are mostly flat and graveled and the tour should be around 1 mile in length.

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Reynolda Gardens Tour

Reynolda Gardens Tour

Join us for a tour of their recently added meadow,  a new boggy area that with the addition of a boardwalk for accessibility will now showcase the Eastern bald cypress/sabal palmetto ecosystem, and lastly some of their trails where replanting efforts are underway.  We will conclude with the option for anyone to then go into the formal gardens and/or into the original garden Greenhouse where a major renovation will begin in 2023 to restore it to its former glory.  

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Star Gazing

Star Gazing

Please join us as we gaze at the stars with the Greensboro Astronomy Club. 1 hour after sunset at Haw River State Park, Iron Ore Access off of N. Church Street, Browns Summit, NC 27214.

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