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Nature's Best Hope: A Conversation with Doug Tallamy

We hope you will join us Thursday, Sept 29, 2022 at 7 PM as we attend Nature's Best Hope: A Conversation with Douglas W. Tallamy presented by The Alamance County Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers (EMGVs) at the Paramount Theater in Burlington, NC. Author and renowned naturalist Douglas W. Tallamy will explain how, by simply adding native plants to our own backyards, we ourselves can become nature’s best hope. Recent headlines about declines in insect and bird populations in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our current landscape designs have been at sustaining the plants and animals that sustain us. The good news is there’s still time! Tallamy will discuss simple steps each of us can take by adding native plants to our home landscape to increase biodiversity.

Tickets are just $5.00 for this community event sponsored by Alamance County Extension Master Gardeners and are available now at the Paramount Theater Box Office (Monday - Saturday from 12noon - 3pm), or by calling (800) 514-3849. Proceeds to benefit Alamance County native plant projects. For more information, please contact the Alamance County Cooperative Extension Office at (336) 570-6740. Tickets may be purchased online here

September 13

"A Conversation with Heather Russell"

October 21

Native Plant Fest