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Native Plant Fest

We invite you to join us for this floating event on the patio at Maxie B’s as we partner with gardening experts from the Triad Chapter of the North Carolina Native Plant Society to explore and celebrate the magic of native plants! Every plant matters…come find out why!

We will share gift bags filled with native plant seedlings, a newly updated guide to native plant nurseries in our area, more information on the best native plants for our Ecoregion 8 according to Doug Tallamy, as well as other helpful and inspiring resources.

There will also be Maxie B’s desserts to nibble while you linger!

We also have several wonderful door prizes to help get your fall gardening off to a glorious start!

The founder of Maxie B’s, Robin Davis, will be on site all day offering tours of the native plant gardens at the bakery and to share the story of how she turned a parking lot into an oasis for wildlife in just a single year. From monarch caterpillars that completed their life cycle on site to fly off into the sky as a glorious butterfly to many nests of baby birds, a baby opossum, chipmunks, and a toad, this Certified Wildlife Habitat garden has brought endless joy to our Maxie B’s staff, customers and critters alike. There have been some victories as well as some lessons learned and Robin will share those stories, too!

September 29

Nature's Best Hope: A Conversation with Doug Tallamy

December 10

Woven Works Park Native Pollinator Garden Planting